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roofing website

Roofing Website Designer

We specialize in designing websites for roofers

We'll help you craft the best design for your website that communicates the unique value you bring to the community, and we'll turn those website visitors into leads.

Ready to showcase your roofing company with a new website? We'll get you started with the right design, optimized for search engines.

A good audit will uncover potentially hidden issues that could be preventing your website from generating leads, saving you money, and showing you where to focus your energy.

Best Roofing Website Design

Every roofing website needs a professional design, but it also requires features that are not commonly known, such as subtle indicators that help potential customers convert into leads.

There is a whole range of tactics that the best roofing websites use, which we'll cover briefly here. With our years of experience in the roofing industry, we've discovered what works for homeowners and what will bring you those roof replacement leads.Optimized for Conversions

User Experience

A significant aspect of roofing website design is considering the user experience (UX), which refers to how easy it is to navigate your site. While you may know where everything is on your site because you are familiar with it, what about a first-time user?

It's crucial that your potential customers can find the information they want as quickly as possible. All buttons need to be clearly labeled, and contact information and a contact form need to be easily accessible at the top of the page.

The most common services should be listed in the main navigation to help users find the specific answers they are looking for. Ensure that the color and size of the text throughout the page are consistent and clear, guiding potential customers exactly where you want them to go.

website design for roofers

Customer Journey

Considering the stages of the customer's journey will help you craft the right content for your site. When potential customers land on your roofing site, they will fall into one of three categories: they will be trying to discover the solution to their problem, choosing between two products, or ready to pick a roofing company. These are the stages of the customer journey.

The discovery stage is where they might look for information, like whether they need to repair or replace their roof. In the second stage, they might be asking themselves whether they should go with one shingle manufacturer or another. And in the last stage, choosing a company, they are asking why they should choose your company.

So, on the homepage specifically, you need content that will address all of these stages. When someone is in the last stage, they need to see social proof, like customer reviews or testimonials. For the other stages, they will need information, which can be provided by guiding them to the blog or service pages.

Optimize for Search Engines

It's not enough to have a well-crafted roofing website design; you also need to optimize your website for search engines. This will ensure that your company shows up in results for your roofing services.

The only way a customer can search on Google for a roofing contractor and your site comes up is through optimization. You'll need to make sure the keywords you want to rank for are used in your URL, headings, and throughout the content.

You'll also need to address technical issues on the site to ensure there are no broken links, that search engines can crawl your site, and that you have consistency across the web regarding your name, address, and phone number. There is plenty more to be said about this topic of SEO, but that will be a good place to start.

Page Speed and Mobile Friendly

Included in the topic of SEO is the more specific need to have a website that is fast and mobile-friendly. A slow website will discourage Google from showing it in results, so it's quite common to address technical issues on your roofing site to improve its speed.

Mobile-friendly websites will have a design that is easy to use on a mobile device, with responsive layouts and optimized images. This is important because an increasing number of users are accessing websites from smartphones and tablets, and Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in its search results.

Ensuring that your roofing web design is both fast and mobile-friendly will not only improve your search engine rankings but also enhance the user experience, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

Best Roofing Compay Website

Website Design Services

Your roofing website is more than just an online presence—it's a powerful tool to attract and convert customers.


At Su Vista, we understand the unique needs of roofing companies and offer specialized website services tailored to your industry.


From creating visually stunning websites to managing every aspect of your online presence, we're here to help you succeed in the digital landscape.

Expert Website Creation for Roofers

Your roofing website is often the first interaction prospective customers have with your business.


We specialize in creating stunning, user-friendly websites that showcase your roofing services effectively. From captivating designs to seamless functionality, we'll ensure your website leaves a lasting impression.

contractor website design

Website Management Solutions

Managing a website can be time-consuming, especially when you have a roofing business to run. Our website management services take the hassle out of maintaining your online presence. From content updates to security enhancements, we'll handle everything, so you can focus on what you do best—roofing.

Rooing Website Sevices

Important Reasons to Consider a Website Audit 

Is your roofing website performing at its best? A website audit can uncover hidden issues and optimize your site for better performance. Here are some important reasons why a website audit is crucial for your roofing business:

  • Identify Performance Issues: Discover and fix any issues that may be slowing down your website or affecting the user experience.

  • Improve Local SEO Ranking: Optimize your website for search engines to improve your ranking and attract more organic traffic.

  • Enhance User Experience: Ensure your website is user-friendly and provides a seamless experience for visitors.

  • Increase Conversions: Identify areas for improvement to convert more visitors into leads and customers.

  • Stay Ahead of Competitors: Keep up with the latest trends and technologies to stay ahead of your competitors in the roofing industry.

A website audit is an essential step in ensuring your roofing website is optimized for success. Let us help you uncover opportunities for improvement and take your website to the next level.

Website Designer

Your website is your online storefront, a 24/7 salesperson that never sleeps. But in this competitive market of roofing companies, a website needs to do more than just look good. A customer needs to find your site easily, which would require SEO. They also need to be able to find the information they need on your site as quickly as possible so that they can contact you before going to another website. The following three goals are taken into account on every website we design:

  • Professional and Appealing: First impressions matter online too. We design websites that are visually stunning and reflect your brand identity.

  • User-Friendly: Visitors should be able to find what they're looking for quickly and easily. We create intuitive navigation that guides users towards conversion.

  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO): Want your ideal customers to find you online? We optimize your website to rank higher in search results, driving more qualified traffic your way.

At Su Vista, we understand that these three elements work together to make your website a success. We don't just design beautiful websites; we craft powerful tools that help you achieve your business goals. Because of our years in the roofing industry, we understand how your ideal clients think and what is needed to help you stand apart from the competition.

At Su Vista, we offer a comprehensive website development process tailored to your specific needs. We'll start by collaborating with you to understand your brand's unique selling points, target audience, and website goals. This allows us to craft a compelling message and design a website that's not just visually stunning but strategically planned to convert visitors into customers. We can also assist with creating high-quality content that engages your audience and improves search engine ranking. Finally, in today's mobile-first world, we ensure your website looks great and functions flawlessly on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.

FAQ Regarding Roofing Websites


How many pages are ideal for a roofing website?

When starting a roofing company, you just need the basics: 7 to 10 pages covering all the main topics: services, homepage, contact page, and about us page. This will essentially act as a business card, but it won't help you generate leads to the extent you'll need. You'll have to invest in local SEO, which involves building out more pages on your site. The number of pages here can be well into the hundreds as you target all the keywords related to your services


How to choose a company for designing a roofing website?

When choosing a company to design your roofing website, consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Look for a company with experience in designing websites for roofing companies, and do they understand roofing to the extent you need them to? 

  • Portfolio: Review the company's portfolio to see examples of their work.

  • Services: Ensure the company offers the services you need, such as design, management, and local SEO.

  • Reviews: Check online reviews and testimonials from past clients.

  • Cost: Get quotes from multiple companies and compare prices.


Is coding knowledge necessary to manage a roofing website?

While coding knowledge is not necessary to start a roofing website, it can be helpful for making customizations and troubleshooting issues. Many website management platforms, such as WordPress, offer user-friendly interfaces that allow you to manage your site without coding knowledge. But you'll still need a developer as your business grows. 


Will a new website cause me to rank on google? 

Simply launching a new website will not automatically cause you to rank on Google. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a crucial factor in ranking on Google, and it involves optimizing your website for relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks, among other strategies.


How much does it cost to design a website for a roofing company?

The cost of designing a website for a roofing company can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the features you require. On average, you can expect to pay between $2,000 and $5,000 for a professional roofing website design. Factors that can affect the cost include the number of pages, custom design elements, and integration with other systems or services.

How Su Vista Helps Roofers Build Websites

With all the roofing websites we've managed as a digital marketing agency, along with our extensive experience in the roofing industry, we've gained invaluable insights into the habits and search patterns of homeowners. This deep understanding allows us to tailor our website design services specifically for roofers, ensuring that every aspect of the site speaks directly to your target audience.

Our team will work closely with you to capture the essence of your roofing business and highlight the unique value proposition you offer. Whether you're looking to attract new leads, showcase your portfolio, or increase your online presence, Su Vista is here to help you build a website that sets you apart in the competitive roofing market.

Website Audit
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