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Lessons From The Best Roofing Websites

While we all want a nice looking website, I think we can all agree that the best roofing websites are the ones that actually generate leads. If you have a visually appealing website that doesn't bring you enough leads, I doubt you would be happy with it. The look of your website still matters and can affect the lead flow.

The best roofing websites have a combination of components that make up a good site. They have quality design that draws in people, clear communication that tells customers what they need to know, and plenty of content to answer all of their questions. Plus, they have a plan in place to continue growing their website.

Website Design

When it comes to the best roofing websites, you'll notice it's important to make sure that your website design is easy to navigate and that the most important information is easy to find. You'll also notice how the companies promote their unique selling proposition (USP), if they have one, Among other important facets. Let's take a look at some examples.

Clear Communication

Every website needs to communicate five things the moment the customer lands on the website, and it's best to have them at the top of the site so the user doesn't need to search to find it.

These five things are who you are, what your services are, where you work, how to contact you and your USP. You can see all of these in the example below from Able Roofing. (Not Designed by Su Vista)

website design for roofers

Order Of Content On The Page

There is a science to how everything is laid out on a website. For example, since people read left to right, you want your prominent services listed on the left of the navigation. The larger text tells the user to read it first. The brighter colors catch your eyes first. Everything is placed in a way that directs the user to look at and click on what you want them to. Wit the best roofing websites, it's all intentional.

You can use this to your advantage by having all the buttons on your website be the same color, it communicates a clear message of what to click on. Or structure the content base off of the customer needs. For example, if they don't contact you when they are on your page, they are likely wanting more information about you and your services. They are looking for things that will build trust, and show you are the expert.

Build Trust On Your Website

When it comes to building trust with a customer, putting the right content on your website is key. For the best roofing websites this means showcasing your community involvement, having testimonies and reviews from happy customers, as well as videos and pictures of your work in action. By doing this, you'll be able to prove to potential customers that you're a reputable and reliable business.

Community Involvement

When you are part of the community it shows you are not a fly-by-night company. It also communicates your values and people relate to and trust those who have similar values. It also sets up other organizations to promote you. For example, if your company does work with Habitat For Humanity, and put a picture of that on your site, it communicates how you align with other reputable brands.

Testimonials And Reviews

When you have testimonials and reviews from past customers, it helps to build trust with potential customers. They can see that you have a track record of happy customers, which is always a good sign. If you have video testimonials, even better! Seeing someone's face and hearing them talk about their experience with your company is even more powerful.

Pictures And Video Of Your Work And Team

When people can see what you do and how you do it, it helps to build trust. If they can see your team in action, that's even better. People like to know who they're doing business with, and seeing pictures and videos of your work helps to make that connection. This can also be a chance to showcase the difference services you do and educate your customers, which will set you apart as the expert.

Generating Leads With Your Website

You've got a website, but how do you get people to visit it? And more importantly, how do you get them to take action once they're there? The best way to do this is with SEO. SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It's the process of making your site more visible and attractive to search engines, which in turn will lead to more traffic and higher conversion rates.


There are a number of things you can do to optimize your website for SEO. Here are some of the best techniques:


1. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions.


Make sure your website's titles and descriptions contain relevant keywords for your business. This will help search engines index your site and make it more visible to potential customers.


2. Use fresh, original content.


Search engines love websites that offer fresh, original content. If you can regularly update your site with new blog posts, articles, or other types of content, you'll see a big boost in your SEO.


3. Build backlinks.


Backlinks are links from other websites to yours. They're one of the most important factors in SEO, so it's important to focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.


4. Optimize your website for mobile devices.


More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to browse the web, so it's important to make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices. This means having a responsive design that adjust to any screen size, as well as making sure your content is easy to read on a small screen.

There is a lot that could be said on the topic of roofing SEO, but for now this can get you started. There are free tools like Google Keyword Planner and as always, our team at Su Vista would be more than happy to help.

Strategy For Growing Your Website

Last but not least, the best roofing websites are always growing in content. They are adding more blog articles, more pages, more FAQ’s, more reviews and anything else that will help their website grow. This is a key strategy for organic search ranking because the more pages you have, the more keyword phrases you can rank for.

Some of the options for continuing to grow your roofing website is to expand your content using the topic cluster method and by educating your customers.

Topic Clusters

A topic cluster is a group of interconnected content pieces that all relate to a central theme. The “cluster” represents the relationship between these different content pieces, and how they link to one another.

The main benefits of using topic clusters are that it helps Google understand your website’s hierarchy, and it allows you to rank for a larger variety of keywords.

website strategy

To implement a topic cluster strategy, start by identifying the main topic you want to write about. Then, create individual pieces of content (blog posts, articles, etc.) that each focus on a different keyword or phrase related to that main topic. Finally, link these individual pieces of content together.

More Education

Educating your customers helps you create content and sets you apart as the expert. This can be done using YouTube, which is the second largest search engine, along with creating more blogs and articles. A lot of roofing companies don't use YouTube to its full potential.

When you educate your customers, you not only help them make a decision, but you also create brand loyalty. If they trust you to educate them, they’ll be more likely to use your services when they need roofing work

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